Today i went up early to get to Hornborgarsjön at/before sunrise. I got guite a bit to go so i needed to wake up really early. Arrived at 6.20, 5 minutes before sunrise. Since there are a hill nearby, sunrise at Hornborgarsjön is at 6.50 so i got some time to prepare.

It`s very spectacular to see the cranes and there dance. The cranes are very loud. At my visit there where approximately 16 000 – 18 000 cranes at the lake. There are not to many parking spaces, so if you arrive late or on weekends there can be problem to find a parking space. Parking fee is 30 kr. Parking fee goes to pay the food for the cranes. At my visit there where a lot of motorhomes. I think the parking fee for motorhomes where 150 kr per day.

I can really recommend a visit at Hornborgarsjön. End of mars/early of April there are the most of cranes. See table below.